10 November 2020
CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 Launching Ceremony and Celebration of BIM Achievement 2020

Our Founder, Ir Dr Tang bring good international practice on BIM adoption, training, research, and development into Hong Kong. This year, he is is recognized by a honour of BIMERS 2020
.Date: 10 Nov 2020 (Tue)
.Time: 02:30 p.m. - 04:15 p.m.
.Language: Cantonese
.Format: Webinar
The CIC Construction Digitalisation Award aims to recognise outstanding local projects and local organisations for their contribution in the promotion and adoption of digitalisation in the industry. The Launching Ceremony will announce the Award details and accept applications officially.
The Celebration of BIM Achievement 2020 will announce the winners, recognise and share the achievements of organisations and practitioners on BIM with stakeholders.
An electronic copy of CPD attendance certificate will be issued to the qualified participants after the webinar.
Let’s register the free event.
Please see here for details: https://www.bim.cic.hk/en/events/page/CelebrationWebinar